
In countries like Nigeria where there is poor power supply, the need to know and understand the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy as an alternative source of power is necessary.

Solar energy is recognized as one of the most promising alternative energy options. This is due to the fact that it is a clean energy, and an affordable technology that has huge longer-term benefits.

Solar energy is the radiation and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-developing technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.

The large amount of solar energy available makes it a highly appealing source of electricity. The United Nations Development Programme in its 2000 World Energy Assessment found that the annual potential of solar energy was 1,575–49,837 exajoules (EJ). This is several times larger than the total world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ

It is an important source of renewable energy, and its technologies are widely characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power, and solar water heating to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light-dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.

How Solar System Works

Solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) panels convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting electrons in silicon cells using the photons of light from the sun. This electricity can then be used to supply renewable energy to your home or business.

1. Sunlight activates the panels

Each individual solar panel is constructed of a layer of silicon cells, a metal frame, a glass casing surrounded by a special film, and wiring. For maximum effect, the panels are grouped together into “arrays” (an ordered series) and placed on rooftops or in large outdoor spaces. The solar cells, which are also referred to as photovoltaic cells, absorb sunlight during daylight hours.

2. The cells produce electrical current

Within each solar cell is a thin semiconductor wafer made from two layers of silicon. One layer is positively charged, and the other negatively charged, forming an electric field. When light energy from the sun strikes a photovoltaic solar cell, it energizes the cell and causes electrons to ‘come loose’ from atoms within the semiconductor wafer. Those loose electrons are set into motion by the electric field surrounding the wafer, and this motion creates an electrical current.

3. The electrical energy is converted

You now have solar panels working efficiently to transform sunlight into electricity, but the electricity generated is called direct current (DC) electricity, which is not the type of electricity that powers most homes, which is alternating current (AC) electricity. Fortunately, DC electricity can easily be changed into AC electricity by a gadget called an inverter. In modern solar systems, these inverters can be configured as one inverter for the entire system or as individual microinverters attached behind the panels.

4. The converted electricity powers your home

Once the solar energy has been converted from DC to AC electricity, it runs through your electrical panel and is distributed within the home to power your appliances. It works exactly the same way as the electrical power generated through the grid by your electric utility company, so nothing within the home needs to change. Since you still remain connected to your traditional power company, you can automatically draw additional electricity to supplement any solar shortages from the grid.

Advantages of Solar Energy

1. Renewable Energy Source

Solar energy is a truly renewable energy source. It can be harnessed in all areas of the world and is available every day. We cannot run out of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy. Solar energy will be accessible as long as we have the sun. Sunlight will be available to us for at least 5 billion years when according to scientists the sun is going to die.

2. Reduces Electricity Bills

Since you will be meeting some of your energy needs with the electricity your solar system has generated, your energy bills will drop. How much you save on your bill will be dependent on the size of the solar system and your electricity or heat usage. Moreover, not only will you be saving on the electricity bill, but there is also a possibility to receive payments for the surplus energy that you export back to the grid through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). If you generate more electricity than you use (considering that your solar panel system is connected to the grid). Your utility company will often provide credits for any surplus power you send back to the grid. This is known as net metering.

3. Low Maintenance Costs

Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job. Also, as there are no moving parts, there is no wear and tear. The inverter is usually the only part that needs to be changed after 5-10 years because it is continuously working to convert solar energy into electricity and heat. So, after covering the initial cost of the solar system, you can expect very little spending on maintenance and repair work.

4. Technology Development

Technology in the solar power industry is constantly advancing and improvements will intensify in the future. Innovations in quantum physics and nanotechnology can potentially increase the effectiveness of solar panels and double, or even triple, the electrical input of the solar power systems.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1. Cost

The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is fairly high. This includes paying for solar panels, inverter, batteries, wiring, and the installation. Nevertheless, solar technologies are constantly developing, so it is safe to assume that prices will go down in the future.

2. Weather Dependent

Although solar energy can still be collected during cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency of the solar system drops. Solar panels are dependent on sunlight to effectively gather solar energy. Therefore, a few cloudy, rainy days can have a noticeable effect on the energy system. You should also take into account that solar energy cannot be collected during the night.

3. Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive

Solar energy has to be used right away, or it can be stored in large batteries. These batteries, used in off-the-grid solar systems, can be charged during the day so that the energy is used at night. This is a good solution for using solar energy all day long but it is also quite expensive.

4. Uses a Lot of Space

The more electricity you want to produce, the more solar panels you will need, as you want to collect as much sunlight as possible. Solar PV panels require a lot of space and some roofs are not big enough to fit the number of solar panels that you would like to have.

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Energy

Is the cost of solar panels worth it?

If you live in an area with poor power supply or high energy rates, then it's worth installing solar panels in your home.

Do solar panels last forever?

Solar panels last for about 25-30 years; however, this doesn't mean that they stop producing electricity after 25 years – it just means that energy production has declined by what manufacturers consider to be a significant amount.

Are solar panels bad for your roof?

Solar panels don't damage your roof when installed properly. Installing solar panels will not result in roof damage as long as your solar installer is a qualified professional and your roof is in good condition.

Do solar panels work at night?

Solar panels do not produce energy at night; however, solar panels can power your home at night. The big problem with solar power is obvious, the sun doesn't shine all the time

Can solar power be stored?

Solar batteries work by storing energy produced by your solar panels for later use. When you install a solar battery as part of your solar panel system, you are able to store excess solar electricity at your home instead of sending it back to the grid

Where to buy quality solar panels in Nigeria?

Quality solar panels can be bought in Nigeria from Tikweld Welding Supplies and Services.

About Tikweld Welding Supplies and Services Nigeria

Tikweld Welding Supplies and Services Nigeria is a company whose existence is premised upon the need for distribution and supplies of welding materials, and as one of the homes of the largest direct marketers and premier distributors of welding machines, materials, maintenance, repair and operations ("MRO"), metal-working and workshop tools, solar panels, inverters and batteries, welding gases, Cleaning and maintenance chemicals in Nigeria.


Solar energy has become one of the fastest-growing alternative sources of energy, because of its many advantages like being sustainable, can be recycled, it is also environmentally friendly, highly needed in regions seeking an alternative electrical power.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Is it better to have more solar panels or more batteries?

It could take more solar panels to produce enough electricity if your energy consumption is excessive. Additional batteries may be necessary for sufficient energy storage if you use electricity a lot at night or on overcast days.

Q2 Is it safe to keep an inverter and battery in the bedroom?

The inverter battery and charger are not things you should have in your bedroom. During the charging and draining procedure, the battery frequently produces a gas. When the invention is turned on, heat is released into the space, raising the temperature in the space.

Q3 What can damage an inverter?

The following two problems are over-voltage and over-current, which can lead to inverter failure. Damage to the device's components, most often the inverter bridge, may result from current or voltage increases that exceed the inverter's rated capacity.

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Contact us at Tikweld Welding Supplies and Services for more information and services of solar panels in Nigeria.

25th May 2021 TIKWELD TEAM

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