
Pure Sinewave Inverter 900VA/12V Lento

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Lento 900VA/12V
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Pure Sinewave Inverter 900VA/12V Lento 

Tikweld Welding Supplies and Services is the major supplier of Lento Inverters, UPS and Batteries in Nigeria. Our Pure Sinewave Inverter 900VA/12V Lento output stable frequency and voltage, mimicking mains power supply, making it perfectly suitable to power expensive equipment’s, especially inductive loads that do not work well on square waves.

Lento pioneered pure Sine wave technology in its inverters, UPS and power supplies. 

Features of Pure Sinewave Inverter 900VA/12V Lento

Features Other Brands Lento
Intelligent Battery Charger for Deep Discharged Battery. No Yes
More Back-up being a sine wave UPS (ASIC Control) Yes Yes
No humming Noise (Silent UPS) No Yes
Selector Switch for Normal/UPS Yes Yes
Advance Battery Management for longer battery life and prevent battery from overcharging Yes Yes
Comprehensive LCD Display to show all system parameters No Yes
Sine Wave Output even on CFL like load No Yes
DSP based which results proper control on voltage and current No Yes
Field Failure Ratio (Less than 1%) The most reliable product of Industry in India as per industry feedback No Yes

Why You must choose Tikweld?

Here we are proud of our reputation, built over 10 years of providing reliable and trusted WELDING SUPPLY SOLUTIONS, We have become Nigeria’s single-source solution provider to the welding industry and continue to dedicate ourselves in fulfilling our vision “TO PUT QUALITY EQUIPMENT IN THE HANDS OF WELDERS, TO HELP THEM IN ALL INDUSTRIES TO BECOME MORE EFFICIENT, PRODUCTIVE & PROFITABLE” We act with honesty and nurture strong relationships from large public companies to private customers ensuring we have an understanding of every client’s needs and always aim to exceed their expectations.

Please contact us for Product availability in your region. 

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